Are regular dental check-ups important for children?
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Although your child will lose their baby teeth as they grow, it’s still important to take good care of them.
When they are young, your children will grow and develop very quickly, and the same goes for their teeth. Regular dental check-ups allow the dentist to make sure their pearly whites are in tip-top shape, and that the dental arches are developing normally.
As a parent or guardian, it’s important to ensure your child’s teeth are maintained and well looked after into their adult years. These good oral hygiene habits should start from a young age. Poor oral hygiene will unavoidably lead to other serious health problems down the road, as well as costly restorations and potentially pain and discomfort.
However, here at Marriott & Hand, we can help to prevent most, if not all of these problems by helping your child understand the importance of maintaining their own oral health.
Healthy development of teeth
Did you know that baby teeth lay the groundwork for the adult teeth to come through? When your child’s baby teeth are healthy, it’s easier for adult teeth to come in straighter.
When you neglect the baby teeth, it can cause them to be lost earlier than they should. This can cause an array of problems for your child such as:
Permanent teeth behind will tend to move forward
Baby teeth will shift and move
Speech problems
Eating and chewing difficulties
When this occurs, the permanent adult teeth will be more likely to grow in crooked and out of place. By maintaining the health of your child’s baby and adult teeth in the early stages of development, you can help prevent additional work in the future.
Teaching good oral hygiene
Children absorb information much easier at an early age, so starting a great oral hygiene routine young is important for long-term oral health. When parents and dentists explain the purpose of regular dental appointments, children learn the importance of seeing the dentist and scheduling regular check-ups.
Your child can start to brush their own teeth as early as seven years old. However, keep in mind they will still need assistance often until the ages of 11 or 12 to do an effective job.
When your child is a baby or toddler, use a damp cloth or gauze to clean their teeth and gums. Alternatively, you can also use a very small soft toothbrush. When choosing your child’s toothbrush, choose a brush with soft bristles made of a round-ended or polished material. This type of toothbrush will get your child’s teeth clean without being too harsh on the gums. Children’s toothbrushes should get replaced every three to four months as newer toothbrushes clean more effectively and leave less residual bacteria.
Children’s dental check-ups at Marriott & Hand
When oral hygiene routines are taught, your child will not only grow up with a beautiful smile, but also with healthy habits that can last a lifetime.
Whether they still have baby teeth or have permanent adult teeth, the state of their teeth throughout each stage of development is one of the most important aspects of a child’s overall health.
At Marriott & Hand, we provide dental services for patients of all ages, including the delicate introduction to oral health for children. Our child-friendly treatments include the check-up and treatment of any and all oral health concerns.
For more information on children’s dental or to book your child in, contact us today.