Reclaim the use of your smile for the long term with Dental Implants. Nothing beats the function and feel of a natural tooth, however sometimes we simply cannot keep all our natural teeth due to infection, trauma or illness. When a tooth is lost, many issues can arise from the imbalance it causes within the mouth.
Teeth next to the gap move in an attempt to naturally fill in the space which in turn causes more gaps. Cleaning can also become more difficult and the surrounding teeth can become compromised if small gaps trap food after meals (causing decay).
Your jaw will also be affected as your tooth is responsible for maintaining the shape and structure.
Once a tooth is lost your jaw bone diminishes which can create a narrow jaw – which is why dental implants are so necessary
Dental implants look, feel and work like real teeth. They can be used to:
Anchor a crown to replace a single tooth.
Support a dental bridge.
Support removable dentures.
Types Of Cosmetic Dental Implants
Dental implants have become a popular alternative to older methods of replacing missing teeth. One of the reasons for this is the versatility of implants. As the technology behind them has advanced, so has their application.
Implants can be used whether you’re missing a single tooth, several teeth or all your teeth. While implants provide an alternative to traditional dentures and bridges, they can also be used in conjunction with them.
Would I Need A Dental Bone Graft Or Sinus Lift?
You may need a bone graft or a sinus lift graft to restore jaw bone to a healthy condition before getting dental implants.
A graft can also be used ahead of an implant procedure to maintain bone volume in a tooth socket after extraction (socket preservation), or to repair bone damage from gum disease (periodontitis).
A sinus lift graft may be required if you want implants but lack sufficient bone mass in your upper jaw.